






  • 若學生無故缺課者,則視為曠課,將不獲補課。
  • 未能按上述要求提交請假申請,將不獲補課。
  • 所有補課需於申請請假後30天內完成,如有逾期,將不會獲得補課。
  • 同學因事假/病假均不能將學費退回或順延繳交

* 對上述須知,如有更改,恕不另行通知。本中心保留所有最終解釋和決定權。


Leave of absence and make-up classes 


Sick leave: 

Students who apply for sick leave due to illness must notify the center before class within two hours and present a doctor's certificate within one week. If the situation permits, make-up lessons can be arranged up to twice in a course. 


Personal leave: 

If students want to apply for personal leave, they must notify the center as soon as possible or apply for leave at least one day in advance. If the situation permits, make-up lessons can be arranged up to twice in a course. 


  • If a student is absent from class without reason, it will be regarded as absent from class and will not be given a make-up class. 


  • If you fail to submit the leave application according to the above requirements, you will not be given a make-up class. 

  • All make-up lessons must be completed within 30 days after applying for leave. If overdue, no make-up lessons will be given. 

  • Students cannot refund or postpone the payment of tuition fees due to personal leave/sick leave. 


* The above notices are subject to change without prior notice. The center reserves all final interpretation and decision rights.